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ERCS Executive Committee Meeting

25 January 2018

Place & Time: Brotzeit Somerset


  1. Tsung Wen Chong (President),

  2. Walter Visioli (Technical Director),

  3. Raihan Omar (Secretary),

  4. Anibal Gonzalez (Treasurer),

  5. Paul (Head, Boat Maintenance),

  6. Felix (Head, Corporate Planning)

Absent with Apologies:

  1. Louise (Captain of Boats),

  2. Ian (Ordinary Member),

  3. Steve Davies (Ordinary member)

Summary of Discussion:

1. Fiscal year change

It was agreed to change the Club fiscal year from 1 April - 31 March to 1 January - 31 December for easier financial planning and for simplification for all. Existing members will be offered a reduced membership subscription for the upcoming membership renewal. Members are requested to ensure timely, or even early, payment of membership fees to allow the funds to be put to good use immediately. Fees for newly joining members in 2018 will be in line with the new fiscal year with immediate effect.

Further discussions following the meeting on the membership fees resulted in the following adjustments.

The previous fee scale was as follows:-

*Renewing* Adult: 4 quarters $600 3 quarter $500 2 quarters $400 1 quarter $300 *New* Adult 4 quarters $700 3 quarter $600 2 quarters $500 1 quarter $400

The new fee scale is as follows:- *Renewing* Adult , 4 quarters $600 3 quarter $450 2 quarters $300 1 quarter $150 *New* Adult 4 quarters $700 3 quarter $550 2 quarters $400 1 quarter $250

2. Deciding Future Boat Purchases

In order to determine the most appropriate purchases of new boats, a study will be carried out using the historical data of boat usage since early 2017, the membership increase over the period, and available weight data of members.

  1. Budget for 2018

A detailed budget will be prepared and presented at the next AGM. It will include projected membership and sponsor income, and all estimated expenses including SRA premises rental, all regular expenses and new investments such as ergometer and stretching area in the ERCS office space.


ERCS AGM will be held on Friday 2 Mar 2018 at a location to be confirmed.

Positions that are due for renewal are Secretary and President. The AGM Notice to be issued shortly.

5. Learn to Row Membership Conversion

It was agreed to offer a discount of $180 to newly recruited members who join immediately after successfully completing the Learn to Row program.

6. Corporate Programs

It was agreed that ERCS should allow and encourage corporate interest groups into the club. Conditions would be:

  1. $80 per pax for a 2 day x 3 hr learn to row program, subject to a minimum 10 pax, and 3 day confirmation.

  2. Coaches to be reimbursed $120 per session. 2 coaches to be present permanently.

  3. Safety boats must be deployed.

  4. Individual participants are required to complete entrance forms and pay fees, not a corporation.

7. Membership cards

A membership card printing machine will be purchased to allow members to document their period of membership.

8. Head, Corporate Planning appointment

It was agreed to appoint Felix as Head, Corporate Planning for the Club. This position is particularly oriented to ensuring the perennial existence of the Club.

9. Life Membership

The committee unanimously elected Steve as the second Life Member of the Club in consideration of his numerous contributions to the Club over the years.

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