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ERC 1st Quads & Fours Club Regatta

THE ERC Awesome Foursome regatta was blown into life Saturday 24/02/18 by a strong cross wind. The ERC Women were pushed hard by Louise & Michelle in the first event by fielding 2 full Quads. The Combination of Louise, Kathy (our newbie rower), Sarah & Louise emerged too fast for Michelle’s crew with Ez, Meher & valiantly stroked by Catherine. In the Male Open ‘Cup’, the third ranked scratch crew of Liam, Thomas, Ben & Scott came in as the closest of the heats. Very narrowly beaten by the established crew of Anibal, Weeliem, David & Mayank. The fastest time over the day of the vey choppy course was recorded by ERC YOUTH. 3.30 ERC Youth Crew with Daan, Callum, Matteo & Kostas were never stretched and showed us all how to row light & bright in trying conditions. The day was a great success mostly canvassing the support ERC members have for each other, jumping in & out of crews as required, helping one another off & on the water. Great Sportsmanship & Club pride was on display. Finishing times & places below Race 1: Louise women Quad 3:43 Catherine women Quad 4:03 Race 2: Anibal men Fours 3:31 Daan men fours 3:32 Race 3: Josip mixed quad 3:48 Michelle mixed quad 4:12 Race 4: Youth quad 3:30 Louise challenge quad 3:46 Race 5: Liam mixed quad 3:54 Josip mixed quad 4:09 Race 6: Liam mixed quad 3:43 Michelle mixed quad 4:07 Race 7: youth super quad 3:20 Michelle super quad 3:33 A big THANK YOU to Raihan for his efforts on the boat, his experience in running regattas & his star youth crew .

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