1. Antonio Alvarez
2. Anibal Gonzalez
3. Felix Kottmann 4. Tsung Wen Chong 5. Raihan Omar
6. Kedharnath 7. Elizabeth Brown 8. Paul Barclay 9. Steve Davies 10. Catherine Barclay 11. Becky Walter (Elizabeth Brown)
12. Liam Fitzpatrick 13. Louise Jones 14. Celia Chong Lay Chin 15. Sarah Stuart 16. Freddie Low 17. Bharat Vijayan 18. Louis douge 19. Florian charlet 20. Scott Austin 21. Walter Visioli 22. Paul Gervay (p. Walter) 23. Rebecca (p. Walter) 24. David (p. Anibal) 25. Alex Thompson (p. Walter) 26. Josip (p. Raihan) 27. Alex Medhoui (p. Kedhar) 28. Kathy Seck (p. Louise) 29. Karin Severin Carneborg (p. Louise) 30. Sue De Kock (p. Louise) 31. Michelle Gamburd (p. Sarah) 32. Rachael Walmsey (p. Louise) 33. Ame Berges (p. Louise) 34. Thomas Verghese (p. Steve)
ERC AGM 2017/18 2 March 2018, 1930hr Brotzeit, 313 Somerset
ERC AGM 2017/18 2 March 2018, 1930hr Brotzeit, 313 Somerset
Meeting Minutes
1. President called the AGM to order at 1930hr.
2. Approval of minutes
Minutes of the last AGM was read. No amendments were proposed. Steve Daviesproposed to accept the minutes and was seconded by Paul Barclay.
3. Statement of Accounts
Treasurer thanked the members for the financial support given so that the club can grow in its infrastructure. ERC financial report for 2017/18 was distributed before commencement of the AGM and was approved by appointed ERC audits Paul Barclay and Antonio.
4. Presidents Report
President read his report highlighting the 42.4% increase in membership together. He also highlighted the significant improvements particularly in terms of participation in international competitions. See Annex A for full President’s Report.
5. Nomination of ERCS President
Newly nominated ERCS President is Steve Davies who was nominated by Tsung Wen
Chong and seconded by Bharat Vijayan. No other nominations were received.
6. Nomination of ERCS Secretary
Re-elected for 2nd Term as ERCS Secretary is Raihan Omar who was nominated by Louise Jones and seconded by Tsung Wen Chong. No other nominations were received.
7. AOB (a) Boat maintenance; Paul Barclay, Head of Boat Maintenance (Sub-committee):
On behalf of the committee, Paul thanked Simon who had volunteered his skills
on boat repairs.
(b) Life membership; Paul Barclay (on behalf of the executive committee):
ERCS 2nd Life Membership was extended to Steve Davies by executive committe.
Steve has been a major contributor to the development of ERCS. (c) SRA ERCS collaboration; Raihan Omar (Secretary)
Raihan announced the formation of the new 7-men “SRA ERCS Development Task Force” which will look into the development of Rowing in Singapore. Its main focus would be infrastructure and programs development for the next 10 years. The over-arching objective of the committee would see the development of the sport to an elite status within Singapore Sports.
Minutes drafted by Raihan Bin Omar Secretary
Minutes approved by Steve Davies President
2016/17 Membership = 66
Annex A: AGM 2017/18 President’s Report
= 40 =11 =15
2017/18 Membership report (28 Feb 2018)
= 69 (+ 72.5%) = 13 (+18%) = 12 (-20%)
Overall growth of members: +42.4%
Biggest ERCS representation in Hong Kong (Oct 17); 24 pax,17 entries, 7 event medals
ERCS participated ASBO (May 2017);
Jack and Thomas participated in Hong Kong Round Island (Nov 17)
Walter, Freddie and Anibal participated in World Master Championship, New
President (Tsung Wen Chong) & Secretary (Raihan) & Steve Davies Secured new rental deal with SRA Formation of new ERCS/SRA Task Force for Future of Rowing in Singapore
Captain of Boats (Louise) club regattas organized organized Wednesday Women’s rowing Boat care procedures implementation
Executive Director (Walter)
$5.8k from sponsorships
Website overhauled
3 x Kanghua boat purchased Croaker oar purchased
Boat Maintenance Committee (Paul) Tools and repairs Looked at all current fleet, repaired and replaced all parts
Boat maintenance plan and progression Studied current usage of boats